Abstract Submission

Abstract submission guidelines –
please read carefully before submission

We are honoured to invite you to the 37th Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) in combination with the 4th Triennial Meeting of the International Alliance of Academies of Childhood-onset Disability (IAACD). The Scientific Committee and the Family, User and Stakeholders Committee together with the German Supporting Network invite you to this rare occasion of a world-wide meeting to submit abstracts for

  • Oral Communication
  • Scientific Poster / ePoster
  • Technology & Innovation Poster / ePoster / Pitch
  • Experience and Innovation Poster / ePoster / Pitch

Virtual Night Meetings at CET 7pm to 7am on 26th/27th and 27th/28th June 2025 will accept a certain number of orals online during European day time 7am to 7pm. A on-site participation is required.

The submission has been extended until October 28th, 2024.

Submission is closed for:

  • Focused Symposia/Instructional Seminars (90 Minutes)
  • Mini-Symposia/Instructional Courses (60 Minutes)
  • Pre-conference Symposia (Half-day 2x90min or Full-day 3-4x90min)
  • Pre-conference Focused Symposia / Pre-conference Instructional Seminars (90 Minutes)

The Pre-Conference will run from Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th until Wednesday 25th of June, 2025.

The Main-Conference will take place from Wednesday evening 25th, Thursday 26th, Friday 27th until Saturday 28th of June, 2025 early afternoon.

In addition, there will be a 2×12 hour virtual live track during European night time from Thursday 26th to Friday 27th and from Friday 27th to Saturday 28th June, 2025. This allows active and live participation for the online audience across all global time zones.

The conference language will be English. Some tracks will be translated into German, or will be in German.

Abstract Submission

Oral & Posters
The submission has been extended until October 28th, 2024.

We welcome your submissions according to the following submission guidelines:

Be part of this leading international multi- and interdisciplinary scientific congress on childhood-onset disability.

Take advantage of the rare occasion of a real-world congress meeting: a joint meeting of the European Academy of Childhood Disability in combination with the International Alliance of Academies of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD-IAACD 2025).

Earn international awareness and recognition for your scientific work.

Boost your career while participating in the EACD / IAACD  Mac Keith Press Best Abstract Award, EACD Best Poster Award, the EACD / IAACD Early Career Researchers’ Award, the EACD / IAACD Technology & Innovation Award, the EACD / IAACD Low Resource Applicability Award, the Nestlé Health Science Clinical Research Award, IAACD Mac Keith Press International Equal Health Outcomes impact Award and IAACD Mac Keith Press Low-/Mid Income Countries impact.

Receive feedback on your research and clinical practice.

Make the connections you need and network with well-known international partners according to our conference motto “Developing networks – networks for development”.

Call for Focused Symposia/Instructional Seminars, Mini-Symposia/Instructional Courses and Pre-conference Symposia/Pre-conference Focused Symposia Courses and Pre-conference Instructional Seminars: submission is closed.

Call for Orals / Posters: 08.07.2024 – 28.10.2024.

You can find further information concerning the orals and poster submissions below.

In general, the perspective and engagement of parents, caregivers, patients, people with lived experience should be considered. Besides submissions from high-income countries, we want to encourage submissions from low- and middle- income countries in order to increase the diversity of this global congress meeting.

Limitation of abstract submissions: In general, there is no limit to the number of abstracts an individual may submit. Please note that the scientific committee may limit the number of “lead presentations” for one individual.

Language: Abstracts must be submitted in English, and presentations must be given in English (except for the German speaking sessions).

Language style: Abstracts should be submitted in “people-first” language and avoid potentially pejorative terms, such as “wheel-chair bound”, “afflicted”, or any other terms that may be deemed insensitive to persons with disabilities (http://rtcil.org/products/media).

Consenting of all authors: co-authors should have consented, read and approved the abstract and its final content. After submission further changes cannot be accepted. The work has to be original to the authors.

Conflict of interest: Abstracts must be unbiased and conflicts of interest must be disclosed. Papers that are written in a manner that promotes a company, service, or product will not be accepted. Each author listed on the abstract is required to complete a Conflict-of-Interest statement, which is located in the “COI” section of the submission site.

Approval by ethics committee: all research involving human subjects or animals must to be approved by the appropriate ethical review authorities and conducted in accordance with current ethical standards and regulations in biomedical and clinical research.

Preferred type of presentation: Submitting authors should select a preferred type of presentation Oral Communication , Scientific Poster / ePoster or Technology & Innovation Poster / ePoster / Pitch in the online submission platform. The final decision on allocation format, will be made by the Scientific Committee and its Reviewing Panel.

Detailed expectations for each submission type are outlined below.

Feedback on acceptance: will occur 5 to 8 weeks after the submission deadline. Please keep in mind that you will then have to register fee-based latest within 4 weeks after acceptance (Early-bird registration). Submissions for the online lectures will require a fee-based registration for the online conference.

You can find a detailed overview of the topics here.

Submissions Pre-conference Symposia, Focused Symposia, Mini-Symposia, Instructional Seminars and Courses, are welcomed over a wide range of conditions.

ACerebral Palsy and other central motor disorders (genetic, early acquired)
BNeuromuscular and peripheral motor disorders (genetic, early acquired)
CCNS injury & malformations
DNeurometabolic disorders
FFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and cerebral lesions due to other neurotoxic or due to nutritional conditions
GInfections or inflammatory conditions
HComplex Disabilities due to Genetic Conditions
IComplex Disabilities due to other Rare Conditions
JDisabilities due to genetic or early acquired disorders of sensory systems (vision, hearing, other)
KDisorders of intellectual development
LDevelopmental learning disorder (reading, mathematics, written expression etc.)
MDevelopmental speech and language disorders
NDevelopmental Coordination Disorder
OAutism Spectrum Disorders
PAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
QSpinal Cord malformation
SNot related to specific disorders

Specific submission guidelines according to presentation type:

  • Oral Communication sessions consist of a single presentation within a theme by and individual or group of authors, which will be scheduled to present in 7-10 minutes.
  • On submission of the abstract, authors are required to mention their own preference for an Oral or Poster presentation, but the final decision will be at the discretion of the scientific committee.
  • Please structure your abstract using the following headings:

    • -Introduction (background and research question)
    • -Participants and methods (providing explicit information)
    • -Results (including actual data and statistical analyses if appropriate)
    • -Conclusion (interpretation and perspectives)
  • There is a strict limitation of 250 words.
  • Speakers do not have to be on site and can make a pre-recorded contribution (Q&A will be not possible). In this case, an online ticket must be purchased.
  • Scientific Posters provide the opportunity to present novel methods and findings including patient data and include discussion on-site.
  • Scientific Posters will be sorted by theme.
  • Each Scientific Poster will be on display 1 full day of the conference and/ OR include a dedicated poster session.
  • Presenters will be allocated to present their poster as any of the following:

    • -a pitch presentation (2-min) in a dedicated poster session with time for moderated discussion, or
    • -as a physical, printed poster that will be on display 1 full day of the conference, which will be decided by the Program Committee.
    • -e-Poster available electronically throughout the conference.
  • The final decision on whether your poster will be accepted as a, pitch, print or an eposter lies with the program committee.
  • Please structure your abstract using the following headings:

    • -Introduction (background and research question)
    • -Participants and methods (providing explicit information)
    • -Results (including actual data and statistical analyses if appropriate)
    • -Conclusion (interpretation and perspectives)
  • There is a strict limitation of 250 words.
  • The Technology & Innovation format provides the opportunity to present a new, innovative product, tool or concept and/or technology relevant to the area of childhood-onset disability and include discussion on-site.
  • Ideally, these should be solutions that can be quickly implemented in routine practice and/or in daily life. Products, tools, concepts and/or technologies that have been piloted or implemented are encouraged.
  • The abstracts should include information that allows session attendees to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of such a product, tool, concepts or technology.
  • This category is intended for descriptive abstracts as well as products with more rigorous evaluations.
  • Submissions should be factual and without product commercial information (no bias). Presenters will be able to present their poster as

    • -a pitch (2-5min) presentation in dedicated Technology & Innovation sessions OR
    • -as an e-poster
    • -as a physical, printed poster that will be on display 1 full day of the conference
  • The final decision on whether your poster will be accepted as a pitch, print or an eposter lies with the program committee.
  • Please structure your abstract using the following headings:

    • -Statement of problem
    • -Description of the concept, product or technology
    • -Findings to date
    • -Practical applications
  • There is a strict limitation of 250 words.

Demonstration Poster Experience & Innovation

  • The demonstration poster Experience & Innovation is a format from and for people with lived experiences, care-givers, stakeholders, policy makers as well as practitioners and researchers.
  • It provides the opportunity to present

    • -Innovative and/or cost-effective concepts, structures, projects or practice for health, care and participation and / or
    • -Life course experiences and expectations as an inspiration or model for
    • – -a. client-centered research or
    • – -b. education and training in the field of client-centered practice, inclusion and policy making or
    • – -c. improving advocacy, awareness or inclusion in society
  • The abstracts may provide information

    • -to improved understanding for stakeholders, caregivers and people with lived experiences at different stages of life courses and / or
    • -to think about new policies, innovation in education, environmental adaptations from kindergarten to jobs and professional leadership and / or
  • Submissions should be factual and without commercial information (no bias).
  • Presenters will be able to present their poster

    • -a pitch (2-5min) presentation in dedicated Technology & Innovation sessions or
    • -as an e-poster or
    • -as a physical, printed poster that will be on display one day of the conference

    The final decision on whether your poster will be accepted as a pitch, print or an eposter lies with the program committee.

  • The content of your poster should be illustrated with pictures and graphics in addition to easy readable text.

    Please use the following headings in your abstract:

    Background / Subject what to understand, to learn, to improve in a few sentences
    Description of the experience, concept, initiative, model
    Take home messages: what should be learnt by whom, what should be improved in practice and in policy or what should be researched

  • There is a strict limitation of 250 words.

Conditions:  Pre-conference Symposia can only be delivered onsite. The number of pre-symposium meetings is limited, so that very attractive themes of general interest should be proposed. Pre-Conference Symposia can only be booked with the main congress. Indicate whether your Pre-Conference Symposium is co-sponsored with another participating (professional) society. Hand-outs are recommended. Handouts submitted electronically prior to the meeting will be included on the conference website.

Aim: Submissions must have following goals:

  • Should show evidence-based and/or recent scientific developments in a systematic way.
  • Multidisciplinarity, multi-country perspectives and presenters are encouraged.
  • Allow multiple presenters to share their perspectives around a broader topic.
  • Allow more interaction and discussion with the audience to help solve problems, drive innovation and improvement.
  • Allow diversity with both early career and experienced researcher/clinicians contributing.
  • Enables perspectives of different professions, stakeholders, caregivers and users to share knowledge and experiences.

Selection criteria: Importance to the IAACD-EACD and people with disability. Methodological quality, novelty, originality, evidence-based, interdisciplinarity and stakeholder/family/caregiver/person with lived experience involvement, international involvement (multi-country, multi-continent is desirable).

Structure: Chair with 3 to 6 speakers per 90 minutes.

Note: Half day Symposia will be 2 X 90 minutes. Full Day Symposia will be 4 X 90 minutes.

Abstract Structure of Pre-Conference symposia:
There is a strict 3,000 characters, including spaces, which will be imposed on the length of the body of the abstract.

You must include:

  • Descriptive title indicating the purpose/ main theme.
  • List chair and speakers with countries represented. Explain the topic highlighting novelty, significance of an important issue from a variety of perspectives, giving alternative solutions, interpretations, and points of view on a body of knowledge in the field of high importance to IAACD-EACD and people with disability.
  • Proposed schedule of presenters and topics: example 5 mins: Chair (introduction symposia and speakers), 10min: case example / experience / basic issues, 15 mins: Presenter 1 (highlights current evidence/clinical problem), 15 mins: Presenters 2-6 provide multiple perspectives, linked across presenters (15 mins each), 20 mins: Audience interaction/participation with panel, 5-10 mins: (Close/Key Messages/Statements) per 90 minutes.
  • Indicate audience (Medical, Allied Health, PWLE, Researchers, Clinicians, other).
  • Level (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, General).

List all presenters/authors and their contribution:
Names of all presenters, qualification (to provide interdisciplinarity), profession (academic, family/user, stakeholder, industrial), location (institution / country).

  • Title of each presenter’s contribution (50 characters max)
  • Content of authors presentation in dot points (200 characters max).

Conditions: Instructional Seminars can only be delivered onsite. The number of pre-symposium meetings is limited, so that very attractive themes of general interest should be proposed. Instructional Seminars can only be booked with the main congress. Indicate whether your Instructional Seminars is co-sponsored with another participating (professional) society. Hand-outs are recommended. Handouts submitted electronically prior to the meeting will be included on the conference website.

Aim:  Submissions must have following goals:

  • Should show evidence-based and/or well-recognized established techniques, methods, assessments or interventions in a structured presentation in addition to interactive case discussion.
  • Multidisciplinarity, multi-country perspectives and presenters are encouraged.
  • Instructional Seminars should provide learning objectives and case examples.
  • Allow audience interaction/discussion to foster knowledge transfer.
  • Handouts (electronic/hard copy) are required. Prior permission must be obtained to duplicate copyrighted materials. Additional instructions for submitting handouts will be sent to presenters prior to the meeting.

Structure: Chair with 3 to 6 speakers per 90 minutes.

Abstract Structure of Instructional Seminars:
There is a strict 3,000 characters, including spaces, which will be imposed on the length of the body of the abstract.

You must include:

  • Descriptive title indicating the purpose/ main theme.
  • List chair and speakers with countries represented. Explain the topic highlighting novelty, significance of an important issue from a variety of perspectives, giving alternative solutions, interpretations, and points of view on a body of knowledge in the field of high importance to IAACD-EACD and people with disability.
  • Instructional seminars should provide learning objectives (3-5 per 90 Minutes).
  • Proposed schedule of presenters and topics: example 5 mins: Chair (introduction symposia and speakers), 10min: case example / experience / basic issues, 15 mins: Presenter 1 (highlights current evidence/clinical problem), 15 mins: Presenters 2-6 provide multiple perspectives, linked across presenters (15 mins each), 20 mins: Audience interaction/participation with panel, 5-10 mins: (Close/Key Messages/Statements) per 90 minutes.
  • Indicate audience (Medical, Allied Health, PWLE, Researchers, Clinicians, other).
  • Level (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, General).

List all presenters/authors and their contribution:
Names of all presenters, qualification (to provide interdisciplinarity), profession (academic, family/user, stakeholder, industrial), location (institution / country).

  • Title of each presenter’s contribution (50 characters max)
  • Content of authors presentation in dot points (200 characters max).

Focused Symposium: delivered onsite as 90 minute Symposia

Aim: Focused symposia allow multiple presenters to share their perspectives on a specific topic in depth with audience discussion to help solve problems, drive innovation and improvement. Symposia that include presenters from different countries in high and low resource settings are encouraged to highlight the variability in practice or research knowledge in varying contexts.  If two symposia are proposed on a similar topic, the conference committee may encourage joining of symposia.

Submission: by the Chair (required) of the symposium. The chair can also serve as one of the presenters and/or discussant and provide leadership throughout the session.

Main Title: be descriptive indicating the main theme/ purpose.

Structure: Chair with 3-6 Presenter/s (required) and/or Discussant (optional) per 90 minutes.

Abstract Structure of Focused Symposia:
There is a strict 3,000 characters, including spaces, which will be imposed on the length of the body of the abstract.

You must include:

  • Descriptive title indicating the purpose/ main theme.
  • List chair and speakers with countries represented. Explain the topic highlighting novelty, significance of an important issue from a variety of perspectives, giving alternative solutions, interpretations, and points of view on a body of knowledge in the field of high importance to IAACD-EACD and people with disability.
  • Proposed schedule of presenters/topics: example 5 mins: Chair (introduction symposia and speakers), 10min: case example / experience, 15 mins: Presenter 1 (current evidence/clinical problem), 15 mins: Presenters 2-6 provide multiple perspectives, linked across presenters (15 mins each), 20 mins: Audience interaction/participation with panel, 5-10 mins: (Close/Key Messages/Statements) per 90 minutes.
  • Indicate audience (Medical, Allied Health, PWLE, Researchers, Clinicians, other).
  • Level (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, General).

List all presenters/authors and their contribution:
Names of all presenters, qualification (to provide interdisciplinarity), profession (academic, family/user, stakeholder, industrial), location (institution / country).

  • Title of each presenter’s contribution (50 characters max)
  • Content of authors presentation in dot points (200 characters max).

Selection criteria: methodological quality, novelty, originality, evidence-based, interdisciplinarity and stakeholder/caregiver/P.W.L.E. involvement, international involvement (multi-country is desirable). A plan for audience participation/interaction is highly desirable.

Handouts are desirable for any Focused Symposia. Handouts submitted electronically prior to the meeting will be included on the website. Prior permission must be obtained to duplicate copyrighted materials. Additional instructions for submitting handouts will be sent to presenters prior to the annual meeting.

Mini-Symposia: delivered on-site as 60 minute Symposia

Aim: Mini-symposia are key sessions that allow multiple presenters to share their perspectives on the same topic with a short-time for discussions with the audience to help solve problems, drive innovation and improvement. The aim of a mini-symposium session is to provide an update on a specific topic. Mini-Symposia generally involve 1 Chair and a maximum of 3-4 speakers. This 60-minute interactive session should include approximately 45 minutes for presentation of material and 15 minutes of interactive discussion with attendees. The content of sessions should be current, applicable and balanced and supported by best available evidence. Symposia may be more didactic compared to Instructional Workshops.

Selection criteria: Importance to the IAACD-EACD and people with disability. Methodological quality, novelty, evidence-based, interdisciplinarity and international involvement.

Your session should include the following:

1. Content should be current, evidence based, practical, applicable, and balanced.
2. Provide questions to encourage participation in the 15-minute interactive portion of your session. Please consider carefully how you will engage conference attendees who may be online and in person at the conference venue.

Submission: by the Chair of the symposium.

Structure: Chair and 2 to 4 speakers per 60 minutes.

Main Title: of Mini Symposia including purpose/main theme.

Abstract Structure of Mini-Symposia:
There is a strict 3,000 characters, including spaces, which will be imposed on the length of the body of the abstract.

You must include:

  • Descriptive title indicating the purpose/main theme.
  • List chair and speakers with countries represented. Explain the main topic highlighting significance of an important issue to help solve problems, drive innovation and improvement on a body of knowledge in the field of high importance to IAACD-EACD and people with disability.
  • Proposed schedule of presenters and topics: example 5 mins: Chair (introduction symposia and speakers), 10min: basic issue/problem, 15 mins: Presenter 2 (highlights current evidence/clinical problem), 15 mins: Presenter 3 provide another perspectives (15 mins), 15 mins: Audience interaction/participation with panel, 5-mins: (Key Messages) per 60 minutes.
  • Indicate audience (Medical, Allied Health, PWLE, Researchers, clinicians, other).
  • Level (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, General).

List all presenters/authors and their contribution:
Names of all presenters, qualification (to provide interdisciplinarity), profession (academic, family/user, stakeholder, industrial), location (institution / country).

  • Title of each presenter’s contribution (50 characters max)
  • Content of authors presentation in dot points (200 characters max)

Handouts are desirable for Mini-Symposia. Handouts submitted electronically prior to the meeting will be included on the website. Prior permission must be obtained to duplicate copyrighted materials. Additional instructions for submitting handouts will be sent to presenters prior to the annual meeting.

SPECIAL ONLINE LIVE-PRESENTATION during European evening / night time (7pm to 7am CET)

Online Mini-Symposia: delivered online as 60min Mini-Symposia:  It is planned to deliver a 12h virtual night track during congress time on Thursday 26th June / Friday 27th of June and Friday 27th / Saturday 28th of June. Mini-symposia may be delivered virtually live during European evening / night time, 7pm to 7am CET (=daytime in other world regions). Please consider shorter presentation and longer interaction time during virtual meetings.

Structure: 2 to 3 speakers per 60 min, allow 15 minutes for interaction.

Otherwise submission guidelines for Night Track Online Mini-Symposia are the same as Mini-Symposia onsite.

Instructional Seminar: are on-site during main congress meeting (90 Minutes).

Aim: Instructional Seminars provide formal in-depth and comprehensive instructions/training (including Learning Objectives, demonstration of cases or practical exercises) for continuing professional education combined with audience participation and interaction. Instructional Seminars have 3 to 6 instructors addressing a focused theme or method with appeal to a targeted audience. Examples are practical management of a clinical problem, new assessments, investigations, techniques, interventions, treatments, Clinical Reasoning of cases etc. Instructional Seminar content should be current, evidence-based, practical, applicable and balanced.

Selection criteria: methodological quality, novelty, originality, evidence-based, interdisciplinarity and stakeholder/family/caregiver/user Involvement, international involvement (multi-country, multi-continent is desirable).

Style: The most positively evaluated courses are those which encourage audience participation in a variety of ways throughout the session (15 to 30 min). Please consider carefully how you will engage conference attendees who may be online and in person at the conference venue. We encourage you to prepare questions/learning objectives or activities to engage participants in the interactive portion of your session.

Submission: by the chair

Structure: chair with 3-6 speakers in 90 Minutes.

Main Title: indicating main topic of the Instructional Seminar.

Abstract Structure of Instructional Seminar: There is a strict 3,000 characters, including spaces, which will be imposed on the length of the body of the abstract.

You must include:

  • Descriptive title indicating the purpose/main theme.
  • List chair and speakers with countries represented.
  • Instructional courses should provide learning objectives (3-4 per 60 Minutes).
  • Explain the topic or method with appeal to a targeted audience. Examples are new assessments, investigations, techniques, treatments, giving focused instruction for continuing professional education combined with less audience participation. Instructional Courses should give practical solutions, interpretation of cases on a topic of high importance to IAACD-EACD and people with disability.
  • Proposed schedule of presenters and topics: example 5 mins: Chair (introduction symposia and speakers), 10min: basic issue/problem, 15 mins: Presenter 2 (highlights current evidence/clinical problem), 15 mins: Presenter 3 provide another perspectives (15 mins), 15 mins: Audience interaction/participation with panel, 5-mins: (Key Messages) per 60 minutes.
  • Indicate audience (Medical, Allied Health, PWLE, Researchers, Clinicians, other).
  • Level (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, General).

List all presenters/authors and their contribution:
Names of all presenters, qualification (to provide interdisciplinarity), profession (academic, family/user, stakeholder, industrial), location (institution / country).

  • Title of each presenter’s contribution (50 characters max)
  • Content of authors presentation in dot points (200 characters max).

Selection criteria: methodological quality, novelty, originality, evidence-based, interdisciplinarity and stakeholder/family/caregiver/user Involvement, international involvement (multi-country, multi-continent is desirable).

Style: The most positively evaluated courses are those which encourage audience participation in a variety of ways throughout the session. Please consider carefully how you will engage conference attendees who may be online and in person at the conference venue.

A plan for audience participation (10 to 15 min) should be included in the schedule. We encourage you to prepare questions/learning objectives or activities to engage participants in the interactive portion of your session.

Prepared background materials (handouts, references) are required. Handouts submitted electronically prior to the meeting will be included on the website. Prior permission must be obtained to duplicate copyrighted materials. Instructions on submitting handouts will be sent to presenters and posted.

Instructional Course: delivered onsite during main congress meeting (60 Minutes):

Aim: Instructional Courses provide more focused instruction for continuing professional education combined with audience participation, but less interaction (compared to Instructional Seminars). Instructional Courses have 2 to 4 instructors addressing a focused theme or method with appeal to a targeted audience. Examples are new assessments, investigations, techniques or treatments. The courses should be current, evidence-based, practical, applicable and balanced.

Submission: by the chair

Structure: Chair with 2-4 speakers in 60 Minutes.

Main Title: indicating main topic of the Instructional Course.

Abstract Structure of Instructional Course: Maximum of 3.000 characters in total.

You must include:

  • Descriptive title indicating the purpose/main theme.
  • List chair and speakers with countries represented.
  • Instructional courses should provide learning objectives (3-4 per 60 Minutes).
  • Explain the topic or method with appeal to a targeted audience. Examples are new assessments, investigations, techniques, treatments, giving focused instruction for continuing professional education combined with less audience participation. Instructional Courses should give practical solutions, interpretation of cases on a topic of high importance to IAACD-EACD and people with disability.
  • Proposed schedule of presenters and topics: example 5 mins: Chair (introduction symposia and speakers), 10min: basic issue/problem, 15 mins: Presenter 2 (highlights current evidence/clinical problem), 15 mins: Presenter 3 provide another perspectives (15 mins), 15 mins: Audience interaction/participation with panel, 5-mins: (Key Messages) per 60 minutes.
  • Indicate audience (Medical, Allied Health, PWLE, Researchers, clinicians, other).
  • Level (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, General).

List all presenters/authors and their contribution:
Names of all presenters, qualification (to provide interdisciplinarity), profession (academic, family/user, stakeholder, industrial), location (institution / country).

  • Title of each presenter’s contribution (50 characters max)
  • Content of authors presentation in dot points (200 characters max).

Selection criteria: methodological quality, novelty, originality, evidence-based, interdisciplinarity and stakeholder/family/caregiver/user Involvement, international involvement (multi-country, multi-continent is desirable).

Style: The most positively evaluated courses are those which encourage audience participation in a variety of ways throughout the session. Please consider carefully how you will engage conference attendees who may be online and in person at the conference venue.

A plan for audience participation (10 to 15 min) should be included in the schedule. We encourage you to prepare questions/learning objectives or activities to engage participants in the interactive portion of your session.

Prepared background materials (handouts, references) are required. Handouts submitted electronically prior to the meeting will be included on the website. Prior permission must be obtained to duplicate copyrighted materials. Instructions on submitting handouts will be sent to presenters and posted.

Online Instructional Course: delivered online as 60 min Course.

It is planned to deliver a 12h virtual night track during European evening / nighttime, 7pm to 7am CET (=daytime in other world regions) Thursday 26th June / Friday 27th of June and Friday 27th / Saturday 28th of June.

Please consider shorter presentation and longer interaction time in virtual meetings.

Structure: 2 to 3 speakers per 60 minutes, allow 20 minutes for interaction.

Otherwise same guidelines for Instructional courses onsite.

Language: all formats should be in English. It is possible that we will have some sessions in German language. Please indicate at the Tickbox “only in German possible” if are only able to present in German.

Further, we like to highlight a new session format for companies (Innovative Product Award Presentation format). This may be very useful for your commercial partner if they want to present their product within the EACD and IAACD congress. For further information please contact: sales@mcon-mannheim.de

Do you have questions about abstract submission?

We will be glad to assist you if you have any questions:

Nina Stabe

Nina Stabe

Scientific Programme Management

Phone: +49 621 4106-367
E-Mail: eacd-iaacd@mcon-mannheim.de